In the beginning months of 2021, we’ve witnessed so many new beginnings. A new year. A new president. New breakthroughs in the fight against COVID-19. And while we’re not out of the woods yet, I think we all feel a sense of optimism that the end of the pandemic is in sight.
The events of the past year razed much of what we believed was “normal.” 2020 shook our institutions and norms to their core. We can view that as a tragedy, and indeed so much of it was tragic, but we should also view it as an opportunity to build something better. To attempt to rebuild what was would be a mistake. To do nothing would be a mistake. As we look beyond the economic devastation, social unrest, and political strife of the past year, we have the unprecedented opportunity to ask ourselves one piercing question:
“What kind of world do we want to build?"
At BJP, we’ve been answering that question every day since our founding. BJP is a transformative school working toward the Greater Glory of God. We work to build a world where a child’s race and socioeconomic status don’t determine the quality of education they receive. We work to build a world of racial and economic justice. We work to build a community that is for and with others, both at school and in Central Brooklyn. And we work every year to send forth graduates - loving, intellectually capable men and women conscious of their relationship with God - who are committed to doing justice in the world.
What kind of world do you want to build? As you reflect on a world beyond COVID, I invite you to join us. Your donation to The Annual Fund for BJP will help us achieve the world we want to build. Your volunteering and presence will help transform lives, and may transform yours as well.
Don’t just take it from me! This pamphlet highlights two BJP alumni who are working to change the world. Hear from Kimberley and Chris about BJP’s impact on them, and how they’ve gone out into the world making our community proud.