To Graduation, and Beyond!

Dear Friends of BJP,
Next week, the Class of 2024 will join the ranks of nearly 400 alumni who have graduated from BJP in our 20-year history. I am extremely proud of this class and all they have accomplished.
One of the many joys of serving in a middle school is knowing that our students are just beginning a lifelong journey of learning, faith, and service. We are honored to guide them in these formative years.
While next week's graduation is an exciting and important milestone, I am even more excited to follow this class as they continue to pursue excellence in high school and beyond.
Witnessing our students' journeys reaffirms my faith in the robust Nativity educational model we practice. It reaffirms my hope for our future, which entirely rests on the young leaders we strive to form. It reaffirms my love for education, which opens doors and creates opportunities. I encourage you to read Charline's and Tianna's reflections, shared below, to get a sense of why I feel this way.
As my first year as president comes to a close, I reflect on the remarkable gratitude that makes the mission of BJP possible. Whether through the overwhelming generosity at last month's gala, the consistent care of our volunteers, or the outstanding dedication of our faculty and staff, BJP is blessed by generosity in many respects. Thank you to all who contribute time, talent, and treasure to this important and unique mission!
May God Bless the graduating class and the entire BJP community.
With best regards,
James L. Kennedy