Celebrating Mrs. Cheryl Malcousu

This year, Mrs. Cheryl Malcousu will be retiring from Brooklyn Jesuit Prep after 13 years of service to our school. As teacher, admissions recruiter, lunch room volunteer, and mentor to many, the impact Cheryl has made on BJP is immeasurable, and we are incredibly grateful for her commitment to our students. When our alumni share their favorite memories from their time at BJP, Mrs. Malcousu is often mentioned. Her guidance, leadership, and sense of humor will be missed immensely, and we wish her nothing but the best as she enters this next chapter in her life.

At our Gala in May, Mrs. Malcousu was presented with the Inés Pascual Award by Mrs. Sara Shannon. We invite you to read Sara's reflection of Mrs. Malcousu below.

Good evening!
I am very grateful to speak to you tonight to share a glimpse into the life and career of the recipient of BJP’s Inaugural Inés Pascual Award, Cheryl Malcousu.
Like Inés Pascual, a confidant and caregiver to St. Ignatius, Cheryl has shown commitment and compassion to hundreds of Brooklyn Jesuit Prep students and families over the last thirteen years. She teaches, recruits, double dutches, and instills a love of God and others in our students. 
We often talk about how working at BJP is a calling, but in Cheryl's case, her career in education started with a literal call—one from the principal of her daughter’s elementary school. Cheryl went from lunchroom volunteer to teacher in an afternoon! Cheryl took on this challenge (one of many) with grace and strength, earning two degrees while raising two daughters and teaching middle school full-time. Thirty-one years of service to others began because Cheryl was ready, willing, and able to do what was asked—something I experience every day working with her.
After a few years Cheryl moved from the classroom to administration, eventually becoming the founding principal of Lourdes Academy in Brooklyn, which is now Cristo Rey Brooklyn. Her time at Lourdes led her to Brooklyn Jesuit Prep in 2011 (lucky us) where she has lived and modeled the Grad at Grad values each day without fail. Just this week she shared her love for our school at an open house. Cheryl is the reason students and families are strong armed, I mean, excitedly come to BJP and never leave. 
Cheryl is always seeking out ways to grow, never shying away from a chance to reinvent or restructure for the students’ benefit. She teaches and leads with her whole heart and always gives everyone another chance. She has created a second home in her fifth grade classroom. After thirteen years of compassionate commitment to BJP’s mission, Cheryl will be retiring, but not after she comes to camp one more time! I can speak for our entire school community when I say that Cheryl will be missed, but just maybe she will answer my call and volunteer in the lunchroom again. 
Please join me in honoring Mrs. Cheryl Malcousu, with the Brooklyn Jesuit Prep Inés Pascual Award.